48 Mega pixel in someone's mobile, 64 Megapixel in someone's mobile, 108 Megapixel in someone's mobile, but when iPhone arrives, where do all these megapixels go? Nowadays you get 48MP, 64MP, 108MP camera in mobile but when comparing with iPhone, you must have seen that iPhone's Picture Quality and Camera is considered better when iPhone's camera Leave it to 12MP, if you look at the DSLR camera, you get to see the 16MP, 24 MP camera but still the DSLRs are better than the smartphone they are much better. Picture quality gives We compare smartphones so Why does this happen ? To know the answers to all these questions, you have to know PIXEL, MEGAPIXEL. If you understand PIXEL, MEGAPIXEL's concept then you will get the answers to all the questions easily. What are PIXELS ? When you also click an IMAGE, with the help of your SMARTPHONE's CAMERA, then your SMARTPHONE camera has one CAMERA SENSOR that helps to click your IMAGE. Now here is this se...